In the VR class, lecturer asks us to buy a mini plane call Flying Fox. I don’t know what the purpose of playing the plane is?? How ever by hook or by crook all of us have to buy it. It actually cost us RM120 a group of 20. So that mean it cost RM 6 per person.
Flying the plane at the fist time is a hard work (scared crash the plane actually). Then I let go the intention to be pilot of our group. Then the plane controlling board had short circuit. Again it cost us RM 45 to repair it. During the repair, I started to enhance my driving skill with the FMS (Flight Modeling Simulator.) There I need no worry about that plane will broke if crash. Basically there are six types of flight model to be chosen in FMS. There are two categories one of it is plane and the other one is helicopter. In plane categories have 4 models, which include Diamant, Pitts, SU-26 and Transall; while the copper categories are Hughes and Three Dee. Pilot also able to choose where to do their training course by choosing the landscape such as Islet,
So I enjoy it. The FMS really give me perfect ideal to fly the plane. I am having fun flying the plane now. No problem take off or landing. What I scare most is Wind. The Plane is hard to control in windy day.
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